how at 42 have i lost my entire sex drive?

i have other vigour problems and and on several medications i enjoy ask and ask doctore about this not a soul wants to afford me an answer

When do you test to see if your pregnant?

at 42 your sex drive will easily diminish, especially for a woman, since menopause can be a factor. the medications you are on are also probably the culprit--make sure you sit down near your doctor and tell him/her your issue and suggest that you be put on medication to relief increase your sex drive, or possibly switch the ones you currently are on that might be causing the problem. you can not be shy or pliable with your doctor--believe me, they enjoy seen and hear a lot. don't be red.

When you have sex for the first time.?

i deliberate it might have to do alot near your eating traditions through out the years.

im so stressed wot shall i do?

Medications are a big part of it. Demand answers from your doctor, if he/she doesn't give support to you, get a hot Dr.

Is it anomorrhea?

i am 38 and lost mine entirley due to menopause..yes i know i am not a likely hopeful due to my age but i am going through it and it sux....

Is this a normal symtom?

maybe it's bring you're already fulfilled?

Women and Hysterectomies.?

Anti-depressives will do that as well as anything that, in that other meds that do it as well. Poor form in itself can suck your sex time pretty dry.

What age is old ample for a breast reduction?


hormone imbalace

this contact will get u posterior on track

Ive missed 2 pills now im bleeding??

GOOD, i despise seeing scrappy old ladies walkin around struttin their noodle arms and wrinkles. you're out of the spectator sport lady, departed your time, no shame in it of late buy a buuuzzzzzzz toy

Do i have anything to verbs about beside my periods?

How can a woman formulate her breasts larger?

Anna - no libido is a BIG symptom of estrogen dominance!
Of course, it can also be a side effect of any number of your medications. Check these symptoms of estrogen dominance. How heaps do you have?

Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance
Although you can audition your blood or saliva for estrogen dominance, it is relatively easy to notify whether you may be suffering from an imbalance by looking at the following symptoms typical of excess estrogen and progesterone depletion:

Acceleration of the aging process
Allergy symptoms, including asthma, hives, rash, sinus
Breast enlargement
Breast discomfort
Breast cancer
Cold hands and foot
Copper excess
Decreased sex drive
Depression with anxiety or agitation
Early kick-off of menstruation
Fat gain, especially around the abdomen, hips and thighs
Foggy thinking
Gallbladder disease
Hair loss
Heavy menstrual flow (must rule out ovarian cysts or fibroids)
Carbohydrate cravings
Certain types of acne
Weight gain through the hips, thighs and tummy
Mood swings
Loss of libido (no sex drive)
Water retention
Irregular period
Uterine fibroids
Fibrocystic breasts
Early miscarriage
Inability to lose weight
Cervical dysphasia
Dry skin and eyes

How can i put on shipment?

I've heard that cholesterol lowering drugs can hold a negative effect on your sex drive. Doctors don't similar to to share that information because they don't want you to stop taking the drugs. They might be trying to protect you from a heart attack, by reducing the amount of cholesterol you've accumulated, but near's also money in selling drugs, so I suspect it's possible they may be interested in reducing the amount of money you've accumulate too.

Playtex gentle slip, good or bleak?

it cannot be like that.
clutch good food and some vit. medicine. do execises

Does anyone know of any doctors that work with larger breast implant?

Change doctors.. nobody that can give u a straight up answer and address your concerns deserves the benefit of bin liner their bank accounts next to your money. You didn't say what medication you were taking or what the robustness problems were. my guess is that you are have side effects from the medications you are taking. I be on a combination of medication about 7 years ago and it totally wipe out my even caring if I ever have sex again, not to mention it made me feel resembling a zombie.. and if it's not that in your defence, get your tsh level checked for thyroid disease. you're only a year younger than me and at this age, we are supposed to be contained by our prime sexually. so tell the current doctor he can any take his time and answer your concerns or budge ahead and refer you to someone who will and to go ahead and verbs your medical records here. The heck with these jolt ones that dont wanna take their time and address their patients concerns and issues!

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Try DNC at any clinic. You may get the impression better

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