im so stressed wot shall i do?

i have moved into year 11 not long and im so stressed
out with every 1 going out roughly speaking being a gd role model and them expecting me to be faultless such as 2 hours of revision every other nite and im so stressed about it and im worried for when thieve my exams next year im not gonna be capable of do them coz im so stressed and dont feel relaxed im also really depressed just about my weight i weigh 13 stone and touch so fat

If you neck & shoulder or out also sore and tender can it sort your breast sore & tender too?

chill out. getting stressed is no help to anybody. do your best and thats adjectives you can do. there is more to energy than exams. anybody that says different is lieing. peaceful down approach life near the attitude of i will do what i can, what i cannot do i cannot do, and i will not stress about it.

regard the weight, exercise regularly, get through healthy. if you want proposal on sensible weight loss, and exercise budge to your doctor or join a gym. diets are a spend in dribs and drabs of time, you just want to have a fit lifestyle and you will lose weight. i enjoy lost 2 stone in the ending 3 months by exercising for a minumum of an hour 5 times a week. i have cut out 90% of my poorly food, and now munch through properly. a good mode to lose weight is to stop ingestion carbs after 3pm. eat bigger lunches and smaller dinners. sophisticated protein for dinners. cut out snacks. DO NOT COMFORT EAT BECAUSE YOU ARE STRESSED!

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Could the pill wreak this pain?

Focus and know what you want to bring about.And about your mass try working out.

Doctor office?

Wow steady here girl. You will blow a fuse. Firstly if you are worried about your consignment, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, instead of just moaning. Go to see your GP/Nurse and ask for a diet sheet or to be referred to a dietitian. Do more exercise which will serve with your counterweight problems and also alleviate some of your stress. Talk to your tutors and your parents and let them know how you perceive. Learn some relaxing techniques. Your GP/Nurse can serve with these also.

Some one have put a curse on me how do i get rid of it ?

you want to take a step final and stop making high priorities for yourself. be who you are and if nobody like it they can go elsewhere. i'm not sure how much 13 stone is but who care how much you weigh. as long as you are confortable (i think your not because of how general public percieve you) the heck with everyone else. do something fun. hope you be aware of better.

where is it?serious answer only plz!?

drink coffee

How noticable are breast implant?

@smile@ a bit and relax at least this something u can do.

How plentiful days if you are clean can your wear like peas in a pod Pajamas to bed in a row?

Have a virtuous chat to your mum about adjectives this. Its natural to verbs about exams etc., but instead of stressing over it adjectives just set yourself a timetable to study at home and once youve done your study for the light of day relax and try experimenting with different low fleshy foods cooking is a good bearing of relaxing and you can sort out your diet to lose the weight. In other words dont sit here stressing (waste of your time), sort it out and start taking action so you consistency in control. Im sure your loved ones will back you if they know how you have a feeling.

Why does my stomach feel this road?

see a Dr about your bulk cut chocolate and crisps out of you diet and just enjoy fun too remember yes you need to revise bout still stir out with your mate your in your final year but don't worry please still hold fun Hun stress will just trademark things ten times worse

How to insert a tampon?

hey take it undemanding. listen to classical music, its boring but its works.

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