This will sound strange. Are there any other women out there who are tearing/pulling their hair out?

I know it sounds strange. I have be pulling at my hair and rake my fingers through it so long it's gotten short in some places and thin contained by others. I don't even realize I'm doing it at times and I try to stop but find myself doing it again and again. What is wrong with me? Is in attendance a name for this? Please aid me find an answer so I can stop this compulsion beforehand I'm bald.

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its call Trichotillomania, and some people even clasify it as a type of OCD disorder, or at lowest, simmular to it. its more common amoung woman, triggered by strees or neurochemical lack of correspondence.

Treatment approaches for trichotillomania are highly individualised. A group of different treatments are mixed and matched to try and find a combination that is most important for a particular individual at a expert stage of life. tons get a combination of medical prescription (i.e. anti-depressants) and psychotherapy (either individual counselling or group therapy).

I only just had surgery for an eptopic pregnancy?

yes, it's call trichotillomania. look it up on the web. I hold a friend who has this disorder. It is a condition and you don't hold to be embarressed. Just seek comfort with a doctor or psychotherapist.

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It's a compulsive disorder. Look it up:

Just for woman?

if you have what i suggest you have it is not a femininity selective matter . it is uncontrollable compulsive disorder further identified as tricocelomania . plucking facial hair or spike on the head sometimes the personage eats the coat

youngest women in the world to furnish birth ?

try to de-stress
see your GP
give yoga a try
try to be aware youre doing it
hope i help

Women only?

I go to school next to a girl who was shaved because of this. She even plucked her eyebrows. It was because of a easily upset condition or something. She was the most chipper, optimistic, and hyper girl I have set, though. However, she had to wear a hairpiece because she had no spine on her head.

If you hold the same condition, later I think that you should progress and see a doctor. A doctor would be able to direct you surrounded by the proper direction to get some relief.

Once again, my friend was an extremely nice and outgoing individual and was vastly intelligent. She just could not facilitate herself when it came to this nouns.

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Brushing your pelt wet also pulls your quill out. Slowly comb it after washing it. It is an hoary wives tale that brushing your spine 100 strokes a day is apt for it.

Get a short hair cut. Maybe that might comfort change your tearing/pulling way.

And, for God' sake, see a doctor! You might have a vitamin not as much as.

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I knew a girl surrounded by high institution with the can be so dangerous to your self esteem and it makes you consistency like you are combat within yourself. Please hope professional counseling of some sort to help you through this and donate you proper advice.

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