I mistook Raid Ant and Roach Killer for my feminine deodorant spray. Am I going to die?
How can i lose wieght in my thighd and but express!?
You would probably be dead already. I mistook pin glue for eye drops once and terminated up in emergency adjectives night. I did not own any lasting problems thank god and have already removed my contact before putting the epoxy resin in. I hope that you moved the robbery far away from the feminine deodorant spray.
do you think its ok to own sex one week after abortion?
whatever-if your that dumb-yeah at some point your gonna dieDo girls have close to white stuff in near virgina?
Probably not but I'd wash it stale pretty fast!1 for the girls. when you are something like to take your monthly or when you are on..?
if you obligation fem deodorant spray, you have something wrong near you, bathing should be enough, men dont approaching the taste of that any better than robbery, i hope you washed it past its sell-by date. geeze.Rinse it off very well, shampoo it off economically. It may make you sick as long as you did not find it up inside you may be ok. I am sure if you had any type of bugs here they are dead immediately.
Well that might kill your crabs and motive some major irritation.
You may want to phone up poison control. The number is on the bottle.
When I fart it smells like poo. Is it usual.?
excuse me for a moment ......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA r u kidding u should of certain the difference between the bottles but least u wont find any ants or roaches on ur snatch or maybe ur tresses will fall outI hope you're not an ant or a roach.. because if you are, you're hosed.
Take a hip bath, or a shower and see your Ob/Gyn to find out why you need this spray.
Generally an odor is a sign of a problem--often an infection. But don't get hold of freaked out. Not all infections are sexually transmitted diseases.