How can i wash my hair if i can't get out of bed?

I just broke my leg. I can just stand for about 30 second and then I catch tired. I can sit on a side chair stale my bed but no longer then 20 minutes because of blood flow to my leg, which cause serve twinge. I am basically stuck within bed for a while. I take sponge baths but my mane is really dirty. Do you have any suggestions that could back me wash my spine without getting my bed totally soaked?

Can a guy approaching boobs, and respect women at the same time?

There is Cetaphil. It is a hypoallergenic soap you can use all over your body and surrounded by your hair and not even own to rinse. I would also suggest baby shampoo. The pave the way to toe kind. Wet your down with a purify cloth and put the soap in. Then use the rinse out cloth to rinse till the soap is out. Depending how long your hair is, it should be relatively confident. All you need next to that of course is in recent times a bucket of water next to the wash cloth.

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In Chemists there is a coat shampoo without marine, you just brush it within.

Omg what is this? Please help!!?

they enjoy these shower caps that dust and rinse your hair, we use them contained by the hospital, they work well.

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The deal in certain types of shampoo for relatives who are stuck in bed, and you can acquire them at medical supply stores.I wouldn't use them all the time, .but until you obtain to where you can enjoy someone help you sit surrounded by a wheel stool and back your lead in to a sink..or even obtain someone to take you to a salon and purify it for you.once in a while might label you feel better. Good luck

My vagina get really smelly. do you know anything to reduce it from getting smelly?

Sit at the forefront of the sink with your director back, and own a friend wash it for you. (like surrounded by a salon) You said you can only sit within a chair for 20 min. That should be plenty of time to procure your hair cleaned and engender it back to bed earlier it gets too tender. I hope everything gets better for you.

I own huge overgrown vagina lips. my bf doesnt mind them but they trade name sex dry and uncomfertable. normal?

take a stool to the sink and get a sizeable plastic cup and shampoo and towel fill the cup near warm wet and get the tresses wet wipe quickly consequently rinse and towel dry this should only pocket 10-15 minutes at the most, do you have condition insurance that will cover a visiting nurse that can wipe up your hair, cook your meal and do light housework? check into it and devout luck

Underwire causing breast twinge?

can you lay on the bed with your go before hanging past its sell-by date side and have friend dry-clean your hair contained by a basin?

How did they do it within old times?..?

Have one of your friends bring approaching a bucket of water and own you dunk your head surrounded by it. Something like that. Just be creative.

long period?

you can't hop into the bathroom in that 30 seconds? i know those that broke thier upper leg bone and still managed to find into the bathroom. get someone to relieve you, have them seize one of those removable shower heads and you should be capable of sit next to the shower and lean your commander in.

another article, if you have a removable die you can just thieve it off and bring back in the tub. if, then grasp in the tub as much as possible and wrap a litter bag around that type and keep it out of the sea. i know many culture that have taken baths near broken legs.

Swollen lips?

Pharmacy sell dry shampoo especially for people who cannot wipe hair within the traditional way. You apply it and it lathers.towel dry and brush.your fleece will look and smell clean and fresh

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How long does it take for hormones(birth control) to get hold of out of your system?

Sit in front of the sink and hold someone wash your pelt, or you could do it.

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