2 weeks ago i have unprotected sex and the guy be supposed to verbs out and didnt.?

so 3 hours after my mistake happened i took the plan b pill..one and then one 12 hours subsequent...now it's been 2 weeks and i'm 5 days away from my time of year..i haven't started bleeding yet after taking the pill but i took a first response pregnancy test today and it said distrustful.you think i'm safe and not pregnant or you give attention to it's to soon to tell...i've heard that the pill can trademark you start but i've also heard it can delay your term.what u think??

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I would bet money that you're not pregnant. The morning after pill suppresses ovulation and implantation, and considering you took it 3 hours after it happened, i would bet the little spermies hadn't even gotten to the egg even so, let alone had time to settle surrounded by your uterus.

i've personally had to rob the morning afterpill twice, because of broken condoms. I took it a full 36 hours after the incident, and never wound up pregnant.

my advice now is to merely relax, because stress can delay the onset of your interval.

Though I would advise looking into some other methods of birth control besides the pull out method, because the majority of sperm are concentrated surrounded by the first spurt of a guy's semen and sometimes they aren't quick enough to verbs out in time (or at all close to your inconsiderate partner).

I'm not sure how old your are, but if you're in college check out your school health center to see if the pill or the patch might be available to you.

otherwise, i would suggest seeing if there is a Planned Parenthood (http://plannedparenthood.org) clinic in the vicinity you, and if there is don't be nervous only make a friend go near you. They are awesome with giving you all sorts of counsel and guidance about safe sex.

I hope this help.

Gas nouns pills?

What do I think?

I think the pull-out method to prevent pregnancy is the most ignoramic view and should be cast out of youth's mind as an effective channel to prevent STDs or pregnancy. It is very, very stupid, considering that a penis will leak viable sperm before ejaculation and it can--and will--make you pregnant.

However, you? Probably not pregnant, and but for, then you're extremely LUCKY. Don't ever effing do that again, though, if you don't want to get pregnant. Use a condom, for G-d's sake, or be on BC pills and use a diaphragm, at tiniest. I.e., use some common sense.

If you DO end up pregnant though, later it's your fault. Sorry, but it is. You don't put an uncovered penis in unprotected vagina and expect to not procure pregnant just because the guy pulls out before he blows. This is not the 1800's, and science have shown us that people can and DO get pregnant from pre-***.

Ok sex/period support!!?

umm ,I don`t know you should protect yourself. Get on birth control dummy! too many ignorant nation using 'plan b' or abortions as a method of birth control. Educate yourself. If you are having sex, you should learn in the region of it. Know this, sperm = pregnant, ejaculatory fluids contain sperm, sperm comes out of an erect penis, erect penis with no protection = pregnant. cover that thing up.

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1. It's too impulsive to take a test if you are 5 days away from your length.

2. Never believe a guy when he says he'll pull out. Even if he does, that method doesn't work, dumbazz.

3. Stop have sex until you are mature enough to be responsible.


Because the Plan B pill contains hormones, it can label your period irregular. However, if you are concerned, you should take a pregnancy audition again in a week or so to ease your mind.

Why do i be aware of depressed adjectives the time?

since you took two pills a long time ago and your not due for a while, quit worrying in the region of it. WORRYING IS NOT GOING TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS. calm down and wait for your extent to come. if it doesn't, than start worrying.

About clinics?

You're not pregnant. But, don't have sex anymore, you're obviously unqualified if you can't even use a condom.

What should I do? Please oblige?

your not pregnant chill. wait for your period..and plan b also messes up your time sometimes

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You are safe but also the pull out method does not work! You requirement to have protected sex.

Weird inner health within my private...?

you still have time until ur time of year, and plus the pill sometimes delays it, your not PG.

During sex, im really really "tight" for some cause it take time fr me 2 take loose, is in attendance anything wrong?

why not make things a moment or two simpler and get him to use a CONDOM next time!

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