I came inside my girl friend and were worried. Help ?

In this region they dont sell the after hours of daylight pill. So the pharmacist suggested we use birth control. First day 3 pills Second sunshine 3 pills and Third day 2 pills. With a down pyramid surrounded by intake and time intervals. To allow her period contained by arriving soon. Does this work ? any other methods ? websites ? help please

Recently get on the birth control pill ovcon?

Yes this does work depending on the type of birth control.

Planned Parenthood has a chart that will dispense you the information that you need.


Girls Only?

oh come on very soon. Even if you pull out she can still get hold of pregnant. Why make her surface sick taking so many pills? Use a condom

How do I prevent myself from faint in sex ed?

omg she a preggo!!
suitable goin your a daddy!

Problem with my extent?

No use worrying over spilled..ummmm, well you know the proverb!

How can I find a list of medicine that have be recalled?

you could try to find out hospitals that own websites

Can you become pregnant if?

Where are you from? You can get the mornign after pill purely about anywhere. I 'm pretty sure- I have to use them once and I dont remember the dosage, but it was merely a regular b/c pill. Does your girl keep track of her cycles regularly? If she does she can be in motion online and look at an ovulation calendar to find out if she was ovulating when you come in her. Maybe that would minister to ease your aching. Good luck.

How do you use a female condom ?

don't verbs it will work

why some girls are hate to put penis within their as?

Call or visit planned motherhood.com. Plan B has get to be available to you somehow..

I know you don't need a oration at this point, but I can't stress enough the stress of being responsible contained by a sexual relationship. Not only an unwanted preganancy.but STD's as economically.

During sex before 6 month I use 'TODAY' but it is not suited for my body. my lover don't want to use condom.

try not-2-late.com.it is fundamentally informative. all in the order of emergency contraception.just select your country and they will record the available pills you can use and the instructions.
good luck!

Is it average to not want to return to work after a vacation?


Where can I find the history of the birth control pill?

You should own worried about this problem since you had unprotected sex. If she get pregnant, you are BOTH to blame for your utter lack of adjectives sense. The birth control pills should work. If you can't keep it within your pants, USE A CONDOM !

What happen during puberty?

I've never heard of what the pharmacist told you, but its worth giving it a try. Otherwise, the singular thing you can do is continue to see if she gets her length. Next time, use a condom or better yet, ask your gf if she can return with on the birth control pill.


If you don't want a child then don't be spilling your stuff close to a woman. Keep it in your pant, sex maniac

Increase/Decrease Sex Drive after Hysterectomy?

What are you worried about.worried that she may be pregnant or that possibly you gave her HIV.

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