Physical exams?

ok this is my cousins account but i was purely wondering something and i dont have yahoo. ok im 13 and i need to enjoy a physical exam at the doctor. do they have to look at my vagina and boobs? and if they do what do they do to them?

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You'll probably need to undress except for your underpants. They'll dispense you an exam gown for modesty. The doctor will want to check your development, so he'll ask you to slip the gown off during the breast exam. He will probably hold you lower your underpants and check things out visually, but he most likely won't insert any instruments. He may open you slightly next to his fingers, but that's about all. Don't be anxious - he's seen it all earlier.

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They usually will lift up your shirt and look at your boobs, then discern the nipple a little bit. Next, he or she will look at your vagina alittle usually not inside but idk. I am 14 and at mine they jsut ask u questions around periods and mostly look at my boobs and not my vagina really. Hopefully your doctor is a girl, if it is a guy it would be weird but its okay if it is.

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they do close to a massage around each breast to check for lumps and for your vagina they use a tool that give you a little pinch so they can scrap the walls and attain a little bit of blood for test and they put their fingers within to fill your inside and everything, it's a good entity you only get them once a year incentive it could be kind of weird and you get to get it done

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you go within u get ur vitals (wieght, blood pressure, height)
doctor checks ears mouth eyes then does heart stuff then feels tummy then just looks down ur underwear after feels ur boobs then checks for scolyosis

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They probably will to bring in sure everything is all good and heathly. They don't look long though, so don't verbs about it.

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