what is a urostomy and does it have complications?


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They really don't make well very in good health at all

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what is what? jeese and I though I talk shite

Peroid pain?

A urostomy is a stoma (artificial opening) for the urinary system. A urostomy is made in cases where on earth long-term drainage of urine through the bladder and urethra is not possible, e.g. after extensive surgery or contained by case of hindrance. A "continent urostomy" is an artificial bladder . DOES IT HAVE compllications? Well, the problem is that the artificial bladder might be a permanent point which is a disgusting thing to pass around

i am suffering from constipation from 1 and half year after my nativity, i tried many fybogels and other medic

Check out the Urostomy Association site

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