Is a woman's skin smoother than a man's naturally or because they put lotion all over it?

I knw it's a weird request for information, but I'm curious....

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you are a complete moron. maybe if you read once and a while, you would know. or better however, actually touch a woman, if one will tolerate you get close to her. *barf*

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they are essentially softer then a contest.

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I own very soft hand but I've always be rough on them. They're lucky to get a angelic sudsing. I've never used any kind of moisteriser. I guess it just depends on the people heritage and skin type.

Infertility insurance?

a woman's skin is naturally smooth than a boy's

Foul smelling urine?!?

It is relatively natural that a woman's skin is smoother than a man's. Continuous use of lotion may engender it more and more smooth, I think. A man's skin is full of hair and it may be one of reasons why it is not smooth.


In broad, the pH of a man's skin is lower (more acid) than that of a woman's, so this gives a smoother, more attractive appearance to the skin for women. Men's skin is also thicker and more porous which holds in grease and dirt which make the obverse rougher and tough feeling due to the testosterone contained by their system. Men also have more environmental factor that factor in to the condition of their skin, target men who work outside or do industrial work.

I'll tell you for a while secret. Those mud frontage masks that we put on our face, they work really good on men because their face are so porous. It sucks the dirt right out of the pores.

Please i really want to know?

because girl's are supposed to be softer than boy's.
it's called hormones and chromosomes

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Naturally smoother.

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