I have not staarted my period yet, and I am only 12 is that normal?

Answers:    Of course it's normal. Average age at starting is 13, but some start at 9 others not until they are 16. My mom started at 17 or 18. .
Read more here: http://www.kotex.com.
9 and 10 are the younger side of normal, 15 and 16 the older side of normal.

11 through 14 would hold the most number of girls getting their period,

Other signs will indicate your body is ready including hips, the start of boobs (once described as getting oranges...), hair under the arms and down there as well as underarm BO. It may take as long as 18 months from the beginning of these to periods.
Very normal. You're very lucky. The age when people start varies, but over time it has been getting younger. I started at 13, my daughter started at 11, my Mum started at 15 and my grandmother started at 17! My grandmother was upset at the time because she was older than her friends and thought that she would never start. When she started, she realised that she was lucky to have gone all that time without the pains and the inconvenience. I started at much the same age as my friends. My daughter started earlier than the other girls at her small Primary School and was teased by the other girls because she developed so early. When she went to high school, she was the same as everyone else. When you first start, it is best not to use tampons as you can get toxic shock which is very serious and can kill you. I think this is because you are introducing something foreign into your body and you body has not built up defences against the bacteria which might enter with it. This is a pain if you want to swim, so the longer you don't have to worry about this, the better.
yes it is normal. i didn't start till i was 15. my mom didn't start at all! she had to start the pill when she was 17 to get hers to start. eating healthy helps you start sooner and have them more often. if your under weight you may not get them at all. a condition i had called Ameria..
The later in life you begin your periods, the healthier you are. You don't have all the toxins and pollutants congesting your body causing problems. I was 13 when I began, and a co-worker told me once that she was 14 when hers began. A "normal" time to get your period is any time between age 9 and 16. Don't worry about being a late bloomer. Menstruating is a hassle..
Yes it is normal. I got mines at 11 and I know someone that got theirs at 15. So just be patient and below is a website you can read more about it.

Take it easy.
You can start your periods any time between about 10 and 16 years, so I don't think you should worry too much :) Just don't compare yourself to your friends - everyone's different! =] That is completely normal, nothing to worry about.=).
Oh no!! You're normal! I didn't start until I was 14 or 15! Be thankful you haven't! It's horrible! Average age 11-16, very normal..
yes its normal everyones different i started mine when i was 13 almost 14 Yes that's normal..

Believe me..just be happy you don't have it yet..
Cramps and bleeding are no fun...
It's normal, some girls just have it late. That's all. i started mine at 13. but be happy, gurl be happy. they hurt like crazy.
way normal some ppl dont get it till like 15! my friend is nearley 14 and hasn't started yet .
Yes it's normal, I started my period when i was 13 (now 18 yrs. old) no dw i started when i was 12 so i'm sure you will soon.


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