Why won't my doctor give me water retention medication?

I have really desperate water retention every month (I put on partly a stone ), gets so hurting, ny mum and grandmother both had it too and be put on water pills which sorted them out, but I've see 2 doctors both totally reluctant to help me. I wondered whether they are suspicious of giving people hose down pills because people try to lose them as a counterweight loss aid or something.It seems outstandingly mean of them. It's horrible! Anything I can voice to convince them?

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quite possibly you may own a potassium problem, a diuretic (pee pill)advances a loss of potassium,which can be fatal if to far gone

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This is not the type of fluid retention that those meds are designed for. These pills are very unsafe and can often inflict electrolyte imbalances if you don't achieve your blood checked routinely. If you are retaining fluids every month then homily to your doc about ways you can control this better next to or without meds.

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To start you should be asking the doctor this out right, seeing you read out you have see 2 doctors and they both say impossible to tell apart thing I would voice you more than likely don't obligation them.

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It is normal to retain some fluid back your period. Diuretics when given inadvisably can upset the electrolyte stability of your system, lower your blood pressure, cause despoil to your kidneys. They are good medication if needed, but not usually given for premenstrual fluid retention.

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If you think you really stipulation them and don't OD on them, you can buy them over the counter. Diurex (sp?) makes some that are available surrounded by the medication aisle of any drug store, walmart, or grocery store.

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Limiting how much salt you devour can also help trim down the amount of fluid you retain each month as will drinking closely of water (I know this sounds almost contradictory but I really found that it does work).

If you muse that you have something else going on such as hormone discrepancy going on then I would grasp another opinion but preferably not from someone within the same bureau of the two drs that you saw. Maybe try an endocrinologist to see if they can be of help, but start beside your primary care dr first if the insurance company requires it.

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