getting my tubes tied?

I am getting my tubes tied next month.I am 27 years mature and I already have a child.I am not worried in the region of the decision I made, because I am 100% sure that I do not want anymore children, but if for some common sense I do I really would like to problem is that I am making myself paranoid nearly things, like complication, dying and not wake up, really far out stuff I know can anyone give me their judgment on this thanks

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Getting the tubes tied may change seriously of things for you. You will enjoy sex more knowing here is no pregnancy in your adjectives.

Good luck I hope everything works out for you

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It's safe and your doing it at a polite age. I got mine tied too soon, if truth be told before official age to tie them. I was individual 22 and I regret it. But by the age of 27 if your not getting emotional wanting another you should be moral.

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Surgery is so common that we dont expect it to be startling, but it is. Your worry is middle-of-the-road. I was so panicky before my surgery that I bought a book on making a will.

Congrats on your ruling, I think its a accurate one. I got a vasectomy and it be the single best thing I ever did.

Birth control is making me hefty! Please help!?

I have my tubes tied when I was 26, I close to you had one child. It is innate to feel for a moment nervous when have an operation, the thing is it really isn't worth worrying almost as complications are really quite special and once you are in here having it done any such things will b out of your control anyway. Its obedient that you want to adopt rather than own more of your own children cos there are lots of lovely children short parents out there. Good luck although i'm sure you won't entail it.

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Getting your tubes tied is a very simple procedure. They stir through your belly button and do it. No scars are disappeared. I went home indistinguishable day they did it. Did stay overnight that night and surrounded by the am it was done. Make sure to update the Doctor want you want more children ..tubes need to be tied,burned and cut. If after 5 years or so you want babies they can only tied them and they usually come uptight by the fifth year.

What is your opinion?

Don't do it. Not but you are to young. You may own regrets and reverse surgery is painful and expensive next to a very big failure rate. I hold only have one full term pregnancy producing a set of twins but as I practical menopause I wonder if the next few years may bring another partner and little one. I am a different person today than when I be 27. And probably won't have another little one but have the opportunity. I own a friend who just have a healthy newborn at age 45 with a wonderful alien partner who will both provide this child and their others a very worthy life. As for complications risk is other there beside any surgery. Tubal Ligation does carry risks of infection and Anestassia complications. Do you smoke or drink and your counterbalance must be factored in to weigh the risks. Visit further next to your doctor seems you are have second thoughts. Wish you well.

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surgery is tremendously scarey, but as a nurse i chose a different path, if you are that worried more or less the possible problems have an IUD implanted, no this is not the arm point, this is very impressive , can last for 5-10 years, merely takes 5 minutes to put in (non surgically) and around as simple to take out. i am so festive with mine that i own had for 3 years so far that i would recomend it to anyone

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