Hey im just really curious about me being pregnant again!! i have a few simple questions if anyone could help?

me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex and he come inside me but 4 days later i get my period typically and reguarlly. im gonna take a pregnancy tryout soon but do you think i might lapse being pregnant since 4 days subsequent i got my time. and also my doctor gave me birth control pills and told me to pinch it the sunday when i get my length and i did. so between the 4 days and the sunday it was give or take a few 3-4 days since he came inside me, so it took 3-4 days, consequently took my pill. i keep stressing closely. and all i do is meditate about peeing closely because i know thats one of the symptoms. when im home i pee but when im out of my house with my boyfriend or parents i dont even use the bathroom. perchance it's because im thinking about it too much and stressing. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. thankfulness.


Why is it?

if he came inside of you THEN you get ur periods and THEN took the tablet ur not pregnent!

even if he comes inside of u but u still obtain ur periods UR NOT PREGNANT! ur period get rid of the eggs inside of you when they havnt be fertilised....so obviusly ur eggs havnt been fertilised

best of luck!!

Any mechanism to prevent pregnancy after intercourse like pills or sthg and when should they be taken?

i ruminate you are not

Why am i bleeding?

You're not pregnant since you got your spell. I would still take the oral exam in roughly speaking 15 days just to be on the past the worst side. Don't stress! In the future use protection. If your BF doesn't resembling to use protection, just remember how you surface now and how much you don't want to relive these mood until you're ready for a little one.
Good Luck!

I am 46 and using pills to diet as I am not good at stopping myself intake I have no self control?

I infer you are NOT pregnant!
That is the physical fact; but how around your mental state? That is in fruitless shape, dear lady! What is the use of passion stressed? No amount of mentally stressing yourself will help: neither will mentally pushing out the fetus physically prevent the pregnancy!! So Relax!

Every time your thoughts jump to this subject, consciously pull the mind away from it by truism:"What am I doing? Again back to it! Let me jump away from this topic", and pull it away, approaching you pull your dog on a leash . Thinking doomed to failure or negative thoughts never help.
Positive thoughts, consciously trained, have help tremendously!
Say to yourself, every single waking moment:
" Day by hours of daylight, in EVERY way
I am on the road to recovery, and better,
Yes, you WILL feel better and also find better!
Hey there! Good luck!

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