Why would my doctor ask ?

Why would my doctor ask me if my menstrual cycle has be okay or if i've been have any difficulty with my spell when i went to settle to her about depression?

I really involve to know if you can have a usual period and still be pregnant?

it could purely be that you doc figures your depression may be hormone related. sounds approaching they are just trying to find out what is triggering your depression. you can oblige them by keeping a diary of what you were doing a short time ago before your mood drops. it take time to figure out the raison d`??tre, and the best treatment.
hang surrounded by there! lots of hugs(if you necessitate them).

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Mental issues can affect your menstrual cycles, as can diet and medication. Also, depression can be triggered by hormones released as you menstruate. She just desires the whole picture.

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Because the sex hormone progesterone which participates surrounded by the menstrual cycle causes mega-depression states so if your concentrations are soaring, it could be the cause of your depression.

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Hormones can contribute to depression. If your periods are out of whack, you could be have a hormonal problem.

Depression can also effect periods by making them irregular.

Either passageway, she has to know.

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A lot of things affect your menstrual cycle, she be just checking to put together sure that it was okay so that opening it didn't become a serious problem.

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