Ladies a TMI question.?

I had just gotten over a bacterial infection and the pills I took in turn gave me a yeast infection. Got a one time pill to cure my yeast infection.

Now I chew over I have it again. However I also skipped my period this month. I own no chance of being pregnant (husband is fixed, go and got tested no sperm). Could a yeast or bacterial infection stop my period?

Not sure which one I hold...syptoms are yellow discharge (no foul smell), not curd like any. itching and buring with intercourse. Also had a few drops of blood this morning after the intercourse but it isn't my length.

I have an appoitment Monday but should I go buy some monistat very soon or wait and get retested?

Has the Depo shot ever made you bleed sour and on for the entire time?

I don't believe a yeast infection or bacterial infection will stop your length.

You might have blood from being dry or from your infection.

I would probably keep on till you saw your doctor. If you are having reoccurring problems like this you should find out why.

You probably shouldn't own sex till you are cleared up and your husband needs to be treated as well or you will keep hold of reinfecting each other.

You might have missed your extent from stress, diet, exercise, change in freight, hormone changes.

What is my problem?

You should wait and get hold of tested on Mon. No need in buying something you not even sure you want. Stop consuming sugar, alcohol and nicotine (if you do any of those things). Get some probiotics, it will help re-establish healthy microbes where the medication has kill it off. You could also take some grease of oregano to help kill of any unforgettable yeast. Take it for about 3-4 weeks. Have hubby take some too, dwindling the passing yeast back to you. Would not be overly concerned nearly the missed period at this time since you are confident pregnancy is highly unlikely.

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I would hang about and get retested. (Unless you are a doctor, don't try to diagnose yourself). Those one time pills are for one time use, and after that I would wait to see what your doctor recommend. If you were on an antibiotic, you could very all right have some reaction from it via the discharge etc. Just try to dangle tight even though its uncomfortable! Wear cotton underwear that can breathe, and keep your appointment Monday. Good luck!

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i freshly got over the same item. exactly.. it was cuz i was on anti biotics.. that will scratch you up. i had to take 3 rounds of the diflucan one time pill treatment. i ruminate you wont need to be retested but i do think you stipulation to go back to the dr and enlighten him its not gone. same as i did.

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