Can i become pregnant even next to a substantial drug problem?

My stomach has be getting very big lately and i be wondering if i could become pregnant even with my intense addiction to tart, ghb, pcp, weed, coke, crack. Plus i have herp, aids and a few other stds. Is it still possible?

Answers:    Fabulous...more untaught drug addicts bringing children into the world that will be addicted at birth, that will expiration up in foster homes because your a CRACK HEAD! How abundant kids do you already have that you support.or should we say aloud, that I support? People like you should be furrowed up and shot one by one.
ur a loser.. are you serious, please stop being a idot
You can but God forbid you do. Get sterilized! Duuhhh
im sure that it possible, but here might be some major problems next to the baby because of your drug use. i longing u well digit it out.

wow ur a loser
WTF? ur a guy, and if u have herpes, and AIDS, ew, wow, ur an idiot LOLOLOL!
Only if it is a breeding tapeworm.
YES it would be..

...except that you are a MAN.

Uh, you could, and I know this interview is probably total bs, but if it's true you need to draw from sterilized.

That is, if you were a woman.

Get a duration.
This is not funny! I work in a nursery and we have a baby today born addicted to cocaine and simply weighed 4 pounds. He is going into the foster guardianship system tomorrow. Do you think that's funny? Grow up! obviously you can why would that change anything?

you know it would be great if you did impossibly geet pregnant, by some irregular act of god and after you could deal next to that **. dont waste our time.

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