is this normal ?

i have ably at least my gyn told me i hold a fibroid tumor , but the pains im having are almost approaching contractions , but i am also exsperancing heart burn , tender breast, and a numb feeling on my vanished cheek bone , is this symptoms of a fiborid tumor too ? i also have a white look to me and dark circles beneath my eyes . im just concerned and i cant g ot to the doc until oct. if anyone u women out in that has have these symtoms with a fibroid tumor please inliten me i want to hear adjectives about . but if anyone of u are experacning or have these symtoms and they were something please also inliten me . again i want to here your info and facts and everything else ... i thank you for posting ...

Does hot weather cause a person crave sex more?

you obligation to find a different doctor..sounds like this one is blowing you stale. What you are describing sounds far from normal or something not to verbs about. And hysterectomies? That should be one and only as a last resort.

Am i too big?

Call your doctors bureau, no it does not sound majority.

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No some of those aren't symptoms of fibroids. go see your regular doctor. He should hold at least done an ultrasound. You have need of a second opinion.

NONACTIVE PILL and my interval is not here yet?

Forget a second view, get a latest doctor all together!!

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