If you've got a drink problem why don't you do something about it?

my niece has a drink problem but won't do anything in the region of it, she knows its widespread but still refuses to lend a hand herself. Does anyone have any positive suggestions, she within her twenties.

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i don't know if This is positive or not but she has to be prepared in herself. I know it's complex but it's up to her you have no control over it and in a minute matter what you do you will never own control. They teach that you should detach yourself from the situation.i don't expect abandon your niece but you can't be sucked surrounded by yourself. Addiction is a horrible disease and all you can do is hope she have the courage to do something. If you want to talk to someone step to AA they have groups for general public related or affected by empire they know who are alcoholics

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if she wont admitt she have a problem and ask for help later there isnt really anything u can do for her apart from have her forcefully admitted to a drying out clinic but that wont work any unless she wants to stop drinking and from what uve wrote that doesnt seem to be to be the case

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you cant do anything until she wishes to sort herdelf out

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the only suggestion that i can confer is to try to sit her down and explain everything about drinking to her and what it can do to her robustness and try to get her into councileing(sp)

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you can lead a horse to wet but can't make it drink, no pun intended, in that is only so much you can do to support somone like this, and hopefully she will want to relieve herself soon, thats when you will see results. do you have any view why she drinks in the first place? are there other acholics within the family as ably too?

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Im afraid the simply person that can relief your niece his herself and that normaly means hitting rock bottom as i know from experience,My dad is an alcoholic and ive also have a drink problem since i was a minor,Just keep recounting her how much damage she is doing to herself and communicate her how much you and your family love her or you could show her illustrative images of what alcohol can do to her, Im sure your local doctors will hold some leaflets on this,Hope you have nouns what ever approach you take because one item i do know is it can be a living hell at times and very lonely

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if she isnt goin to admit she have a problem theres nothing you can do. a short time ago be there for her when she wants you

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