how can i get rid of white pimples on my face?

i think i get this piples when i use to eat alot of chocolate , so i get so many of 'em on my forhead. i hang about for them to inflate , then pop them ,.but some times they come out again.their similar to hard white head,and they hurt if you touch 'em.what can i do about this problem?.i'm desperate for them to dance away

What happens if you do back up getting pregnant and you have the mirena IUD?

Ok, so when you pop them, you want to make sure your hand are completely disenfected. THEN after it's "popped" (and dont squeeze too hard, you can wounded the surrounding skin), make sure you verbs the wound with rubbing'll sting, but it is an accessible wound so you need to preserve it clean. THEN purloin an ice cube and place it on the wounds (not long, it'll hurt after approaching 20 seconds!)--that speeds beneficial like NOBODY's busines! Then, use witch hazel as a cleansing toner twice a daytime (buy it for 99 cents at the drugstore!) . Keep hair/styling products AWAY from the 'trouble zone'. Watch your intake of chocolate (guacamole does it for me!) and drink lots of water.

What happen when you become a egg donor?

wash daily


suck them out next to a seringe

Please help me seize this to stop?

Simple rinse your face 3-4 times a sunshine with hot hose, it will keep your pores for clogging up

Does anyone carry condoms from base 25?

If you dry-clean your face beside ivory soap a few times a day it keep the pimples from forming and helps them jump away faster.

Sex At 12?

check out this link

What are the side effects of depo privera? ( birth control shot )?

lemon juice and aleo

Ever used a tampon Tell me how the directions don't oblige me at all?

you could go and get light surgery on your obverse or you could buy a product called bonzac from the chemist, its enormously good for pimples .

every time i sneeze i own an orgasm. Is this normal?

i enjoy just the one lower than my eye its been nearby for years please let me know if you find out how to capture rid ,ive been told they hold to be cut out ,

Short periods?

the course to pop them is to use a cloth in reheat water.dont use your hand.. and after they pop, wipe it with the cloth. and purify your face, i recommend L'oreal products ( i use it and it works great)

If you mis the periods(not because of pregnancy), are you really content or unhappy(scared)?

You can use anti-acne medications on it, but the prominent thing is to use it religiously, unless during usage it get worst.

Honestly, the BEST remedy for it that is free, is not to mess around near it. Keep your hands away from your forehead, and definately don't pop them. I know i.e. hard to do, but don't. Don't swab your face too commonly either, that might dry out your skin. Meanwhile, you can use non-clogging foundation to cover them up..

Or, you can always dance see a dermatologist. For sure, they will be able to assistance you.

Bleeding for 3 weeks on birth control ?

Try to use cleaning products i wouldn't try clearisal or any other cleaning pads because when i used them it give me zits.

Can I get pregnant after have oral sex during my period?

Forehead pimples are cause by stress. You need to burn sour stress doing some fun excercise. Bike riding or volleyball are my faves. The sweat that comes out of your forehead will keep the pores unfurl and when you wipe, you'll be wiping out your acne. Drink smaller quantity soda and more concern what your age, we all still return with acne( yes we do!) I have found that uping my H2O intake have not only sort my monthly acne go away, but have ruduced small wrinkles!

Do you think this is round?

Wash your face twice a day--morning and night--with a easy-going cleanser (I used to use Noxema or Clean-n-Clear face wash) and try those Stridex pad to get cavernous down. If that doesn't start to help surrounded by a few days try Clearasil acne cream. I have a greasy forehead and it used to be a nightmare for me until I found a cleansing ritual that worked.

When I defecate, sometimes b lood comes out, could you sustain?

Eucerin has a great facial wipe, It's in a pump. Wash beside that at least when you wake up up and right before you progress to bed. Reducing the choloate and any fried foods will help. Adding untreated or steamed veggies helps. Don't pop it - it spreads the microbes. Keep hair of of your forehead too, You'll see results in 2 -3 days.

Is the contraceptive ring available in singapore? where can i seize it?

What you have may be milia, not pimples. If they are milia, a dermatologist can remove them.

another silly give somebody the third degree..?

proactive is a very obedient product. my daughter used it and hasnt had any problems since. honest luck

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