What are signs of pregnancy?
Without going to buy a test what are some symptoms of untimely pregnancy?
Omg im scared what should i do?
You may perceive nausea or queasiness. Some women vomit. ("Morning sickness" can happen any time of sunshine -- it may help to chomp through small meals throughout the hours of daylight, snack on crackers or toast, or drink juice or lemonade.)
Your breasts swell and may be tender.
Your nipples and the nouns around the nipples (areola) get dark and broader.
You have to urinate more repeatedly.
You feel tired.
Do you reccommend birth control pills?
Lack of menstration, nausea, breast pain.How do i get rid of dark/black colour skin in between my thigh?
Late Periodhow to gain 10 pounds in 1 week? Please minister to!?
Sore breasts, cranky, tired, crampy, missed period (obviously) cravings for foods, HORNEY!I dont carry an erection while having sex is something wrong next to me?
Go buy a test, moron.Feeling sick, late extent, constipation, breast tenderness.
If you missed your length for a week and if you had sex next to your partner for a month.
How to increase my hymen for easy intercourse?
A missed periodNausea - vomiting not necessarily
breast tenderness
go before ache
back pains
do you believe that pms is a factual excuse?
DIZZY,GRAVINGS, NO PERIOD, CRY-BABY, TENDER BREAST,DISCHARGE, SICK, MORNING ESPECIALLY AND EVENING MOOD- SWINGSPeriods usually stop - but not always.Breasts become tender and swell. Stomach swells and harden a little. Some women be aware of sick,some sail through pregnancy. You want to see your doc' and take within a morning urine sample.
The same symptoms for your period but minus the period
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