Is it normal for a girl to bleed several days after her first time having sex?

her period isn't for roughly 2 more weeks, but she's bleeding off and on... it's be 3 days since we first did it, and nothing since consequently... please only truthful answers, she's really worried... if it make any difference, she's in her unsettled teens


it's been 36 days.?

It's terribly normal! It mechanism she broke her hymen (not a bad thing).It might bleed for resembling...2 or 3 more days the flow getting smaller each year or so

I am having the never closing moments period. Is this middle-of-the-road?

I wouldn't worry too much roughly speaking it. Having sex for the first time is a big change to your system, it's pretty regular for this to happen. She may enjoy even started a little bit of her time sooner. I find when i have sex right beforehand i'm suppose to start my period it charitable of hurries along the whole proccess. Tell her not to verbs, and that spotting after sex is normal. She never have sex before so this is unusual to her, and will probably happen a couple times after that as economically.

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