My period is barely there this month; I usually have a heavy period with bad cramps. It's been 5 days.?

I just have a baby contained by March, so I am wondering if I am having an remarkable period because of my hormones, or could I be pregnant? I own had majority periods since he be born. I really need some warning!!

Whats the best thing to do to smoothness cramps?

Yeah, it definitely sounds approaching you could be pregnant.

OR.. it could be stress. Are you under profoundly of stress lately?

The best thing to do is carry a pregnancy test and filch it. If it's negative, see your doctor. Well.. even if it's positive, see your doctor.

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for one if you are still breast feed you shouldn't get your term ..but then again some women dooo carry it either as a rule heavily or lightly.. if your not breast feed or have begin weening your body is probably only starting to draw from back on track

two.your infant takes alot out of you and your length therefore will regulation in some means of access after pregnancy. Of course i still suggest you seeing your doctor but i know quite a few women who own abnormal period after. you just necessitate to make an appointment and start a calander

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