Was wondering how to aproach this?

I am a 25 yr old mom of 4. I had my concluding child at 21 and my husband made me get my tubes clamped. now that im not married anymore and am next to a realy great guy, we would love to have another baby. but EVERYONE that i mention this to say im crazy and that i should NOT have anymore children ! but we just want a further becouse he has none of his own. we are finantialy capable of supporting adjectives the chilldren and I dont see why its shuch a big deal. but I need to grasp them untied and no Dr.S around here will even consider helping me! please help!! i need another feelings. does anyone have any ideas?

Answers:    Check the phoen book,google,everywhere.
Your first husband sounds resembling he wanted to have lots of sex near you without the worry of another infant.
Sounds selfish.
i wouldnt ever dream of having my tubes clamped.
I'd use a condom,something THAT idiot couldnt take.

Find a doctor.Look in neighboring cities,up to 3 hours away even.
I'm sure you will find one eventually.
And a family of 7 sounds worthy.
Im part of a family of 6,beside 2 dogs aswell.
We had to buy an 8 seater suv though.

I think if you are primed,and he is ready,and you are finacially stable enough to support this child for a year on one income,after go for it.
But get those tubes unclamped even if you arent have a baby just on the other hand.

Its unnatural..
I don;t know why at your young age, even with the other four children, why one Dr. somewhere wouldn't untie your tubes as long as you and the guy you are beside both are there to talk to him. If you guys are not married, that may be the suspicion by the Dr. not to untie them. If you are planning on getting married, then they probably wouldn't have a problem. You know what I be set to. If Dr's won't help i think the just option you have is to take-home pay for it to be done privately. I doubt you'd have any problems then. Good luck :).
I suggest you should consider what kind of birth control that your going to use after the baby. You know that once you untie them they can't be re-tied.

Good luck!!.
I consider wanting to have more kids is a personal decision that not a soul else can make for you. I only have two children and had my tubes tied when I was 24. There be a time when I thought I wanted another child and discussed it with a couple of doctors. What I be told is that it is a procedure that will not guarantee you another baby - the odds are really pretty low so I imagine that there aren't too masses doctors that will want to do it. The cost is high and the chances of you getting pregnant are relatively slim. That man said, I still find it hard to believe that you can't find a doctor to do it. Have you checked with a fertility clinic? Maybe you should jump with invitro fertilization - its not that much more expensive and your chances of have a baby may be much more likely.

If you are inclined to travel there are some great doctors who have have quite a bit of success. I posted a cooperation on one of those.

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