do people that are 57 start getting absent minded and make dumb errors?

i forget where i put things resembling keys. i seem to be distracted alot like i can't contemplate straight. i dread going to work but i make clothed money i just perceive like time is almost over and i am not as quick to have a sneaking suspicion that as i once doctor put me on 20 mg of prozac end nov for depression and i'm starting to wonder if i'm getting negative effects from it

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Some of these things you mentioned are mundane as aging occurs. It also could be stress related, i would be in motion see your doctor, tell him the prozac isnt helping. I dont want to verbs you, but my Mom had some of equal memory loss as you mentioned the doctor diagnosed her with depression, a year next she was diagnosed beside Alzheimers Disease at the age of 60, but showed symtoms in her 50's.

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its call early stages of Alzheimer's, budge see a doctor

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It's time to slow down, plan for retirement, and enjoy the time you enjoy left to work--and delight in the money. You're just getting tired of adjectives the demands made by your work and other matters. You're in position to ease up a bit and delight in life.

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That sort of thing happen to everyone. I'm 23 and I can't even remember how many times I shampooed my spine in the morning--while I'm doing it.
It sounds resembling the antidepressant isn't working anymore, so you might want to see your doctor. You're no spring chicken, but you've still got a honest twenty or thirty years left, at smallest. Good luck getting things straightened out!

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Deprssion alone can motive all the slowness and forgetfulness Don't discern like your go is almost over, I can understand because sometimes I meditate I'm halfway near myself, especially after losing my dad @ 70. Instead, force yourself to live life and try to e njoy the little things. Also, describe your sensations to your Dr. and ask his opinion.

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Forgetting where you put your key is not a serious symptom. But if you are distracted a lot more than you ever own been past, and can't think straight and other could before, in that may be something serious going on.

Not to alarm you but you need to see your doctor again and ask for a referral to a neurologist. Your symptoms COULD be due to depression but if so, you entail to find out why the Prozac is not working. You also call for to make sure that you don't hold something more serious, like hasty Alzheimers.

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Don't feel to impossible! I'm working on 57 myself, I'm absent minded and formulate dumb errors. I'm not on prozac, however I do take heart medication. I believe this goes along next to the aging process.

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