Personal cross-examine for women...Has this ever happen to you?

okay...i looked down there...and i stopped inserting tampons...inside of my vagina is just about 4 little small bumps...all inside of the vagina walls...within has be a lot of clear discarge similar to snot from your nose lately...from in attendance i noticed the little bumps appeared...i know i don't hold any sexually transmitted diseases because i never had sex...i am going to return with checked out soon by the doctor, to see what's going on...i stopped using tampons because i thought they were cause yeast infections and excessive period bleeding...but i be wondering has anybody else found bumps inside of their vagina walls...did it turn up to be something serious?

Answers:    If you're chitchat about little ridges on the front wall of your vagina, those are immaculately normal, every girl have them.

As for bumps...Since you've never had sex, it's unlikely you own an STD (although, STDs can be transmitted through oral sex as well, so save that in mind).

You mentioned that you stopped using tampons, which reminded me that my elder sister was told by her doctor to stop using tampons because it be irritating the tissue on her vaginal walls and causing little bumps that be similar to what you're describing. That's my only thought as to what it would be. (Oh, and so you know, tampons will not raison d`??tre yeast infections-so long as you practice good hygiene near them-and they definitely will not impose excessive period bleeding).
possibly your allergic to something in the tampon or you may hold an infection yeh ive had these twice on differant times they go away after few days but go to doc as i did and doc said it be to do with blocked pelt folicales and not to worry .well brought-up luck xxx

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