Help im cramping bad but I don't know why! ladies please!?

Ladies I need assistance PLEASE ok I just get off my time of year a few days ago but im still cramping and sumtimes it hurts soo bad that I don't know what to do but stand near and Moan!! Cuz theres nothing I can do but stand in attendance and moan cuz I can't MOVE!! It hurts soooo bad is this regular? cuz I just get off close to 3 days ago I need answers PLZZZ! HELP! :("Im crying right presently cause of a cramp" owwwwwwwww!

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When was the finishing time you went to the gynecologist? You might want to diary another appointment. Two common reason for cramping while not menstruating are that you are ovulating, or endometriosis. Either way, you should run to the doctor.

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and you are sitting at the computer? okay, go directly to doctor and obtain off of the computer

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yes. of corse its normal. if your hurting that doomed to failure try using mindel for teens. its perfictly normal to be cramping.

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You might want to aim some type of medical attention. Not saying that it is too serious but it would be smart to run get that checked out.and soon.

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if you are that worried then dance see a doctor. sometimes the cramps stay a little longer than run of the mill, ive had it until that time, esp after a heavy spell.

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You could enjoy PID or some type of infection. Go see the doctor quick.

Ladies requirement your reply !?

first off it isn't majority . you need to lay down next to a heating wad or take a thaw bath and relax your ab muscles. enjoy you tried to take something similar to advil or naproxine? if you have and they haven't worked next you need to christen the doctor if it persists ok.

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cramps after a period are not adjectives that unusual.but really bad ones similar to the ones you are having are a bit unusual.. see a doctor as soon as possible..

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Is the pain constant? Is this the first time you've have it? Does motrin help? Any recent change in lifestyle, stress, food, etc.
If you're really have that much pain, you should be in motion to the emergency room.

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You might try calcium-magnesium-zinc tablets beside each banquet (3 times a day), and a good full spectrum essential fatty acerbic supplement as directed on the bottle. In the meantime, Advil, Aleve, or Extra-Strength Tylenol or Midol will help you carry thru the crisis. If this problem continues, however, you should see an OBGYN doctor.

Ahh! what should I do?

if it hurts that bad afterwards go see a doctor, but try takin advil and use a heat pad and drink reheat stuff, it helps

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