Questions about Ortho Cept Birth Control?
I am getting ready to switch from the Nuva Ring to the Ortho Cept Pill. I be wondering if anyone out there could grant me any information on it good or unpromising. I had problems near the Nuva Ring that I was humiliated with so I am benign of skeptical about the pills too. This is the first birth conrol pill that l will hold ever been on. What are the most adjectives side effects?
Hey gurlie.all side effects are different for different folks but remember this.if the side effects were too serious or prickly nobody would be using it and millions of a Americans are.
I actually be on the patch for about a year and freshly switched to the pill about 2 months ago.....I really similar to it and I didn't get any side effects so it really depends on the individual. Even though you have to remember to hold it everyday, it is not that much of a'll get used to it.
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