Sex while on Depo Provera
Has anyone else had this problem? I realize that the shot may ease your sex drive, but it's really depressing not being able to preform for my husband.
Any suggestions on how to lend a hand this out? I'm willing to try lube if you think that may abet. But I'm looking for some more ideas.
Answers: Any of the hormonal birth control can have an effect on your personal lubrication level. It's a byproduct of the hormone that is suppressing ovulation- which ordinarily would only come to pass if you are pregnant. That's what your body basically thinks is going on, and a side effect of i.e. vaginal dryness sometimes. In your case, the answer would be a lubricant. One of the most commonly available ones is KY jelly, and a dab should do the trick. There's not much else you can do. It's not the culpability of either of you, it's a matter of the biology of suppressing ovulation. The solely "cure" would be to stop the shots, and I don't think that's one you'd like. As side effects travel, it's mild. It's got nothing to do beside your performance ability at adjectives. Some things just don't work on command..
It made me cramp, sex was scratchy, I was dry, couldn't lube myself up naturally...but, yeah, it's because of the depo. ohhh, and take care with lube, while on depo when i'd try lube, it would irritate. I only have one depo shot and said screw it, good thing be I got my period stern the comming month. Yes! I started the pill two months ago, and about two-three weeks after, i noticed it be pain-full and very hard to do anything. I also found that profusely of oral foreplay before hand help me out a lot!! And lubricated condoms..if your using those on top of the shot. :D.
it happen. try some lube!