how many braxton hicks should i have in one day?

im 34 wks pregnant

How can I get my interval back?

Until 37 weeks you should phone call your midwife if these braxton hicks are accompanied by rear pain.
If you quality more than 3 per hour
if they are regular
if your contractions are accompanied by runny or bloody vaginal discharge

Am I Depressed?

Some people don't really find them at all. I didn't hold any "regular" Braxton Hicks that I noticed. I simply went into labor on my due date. But I did save waiting for them. It was my first babe so maybe I didn't know what to expect but I don't reckon there's a regular amount that you should enjoy in sooner or later. If everything else is healthy, try not to acquire caught up surrounded by how many you should or shouldn't own. Good luck and congrats!

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