Can your extent occur twice contained by a month this is my second one this month (April)?


Does ovulation get the impression more resembling a cramp, resembling a term cramp, or a sharper backache?

It can happen twice if your period settled to come a week early or so.

Do I involve to disclose I've have an abortion when applying for condition insurance?

Well then undoubtedly you know it can.
I wouldn't go so far to say it's ordinary, though. If it's just this once or twice, then it's fine, but if you gain it twice EVERY month, you'll probably have to go on birth control to regulate it. You'll lose too much iron.


yah. its average. i had mine on feb1 and then again onfeb 27. it depends on what sunshine of the month you get it. for example, if you get it surrounded by the beginning of the month, you can get it again at the extension of the same month. but, if you get it contained by the middle of the month, its less likely you capture it again in the same month.
it take a while for your period to come regularly every 4 weeks.

What could this be? (10 pts to best answer)?

It can if you have a short cycle. How frequent days is your cycle normally? Some women even have 21 time cycles. Try using a calendar to see how often they come and if they are regular. If they are really out of whack, visit the doctor to see what could be going on.

Tampons soaked within Alcohol?

Depends how out-of-date you are. If you're new to having a time they may be just a little bit irregular, don't verbs about this, it's completely normal.

Do u mull over my boyfriend would not love me anymore if I told him I have strech results on my stomach?

yeah sometimes its typical. my wife had her period for 57 days and she is still okay but if you hold recently had a depo shot consequently that may have thrown it off as ably. just a thought I hope it helps.

Still Confused?

yes its majority:
dont worry about it

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