How can I shorten my term or build it make tracks me alone for a few days?

I'm attending prom in three days, and I really would like to stop my time of year if possible. I'm not on birth control. All I am looking for is temporary nouns, if possible. I've heard you are supposed to polish the 3rd spleen point, is there any other small and/or natural remedies I can try? Any thoughtful suggestions are VERY much appreciated.

Girly ask?

Well, if you haven't if truth be told started your period yet, try doing some strenuous exercising. That other makes mine later than usual.

Tell me stuff around the Vietnam memorial!! i requirement it asap!! plez and gratitude!!?

I've hear about these cups that you can insert in and they deeply catch the flow before it exits the body. I enjoy never seen or used them before though. Three days to go- perchance you'll stop anyway.

Supposed to obtain AF today - zilch all the same. Do you still acquire PMS symptoms if you are PG?

If you are on your period there is NOTHING you can do.

Even if you aren't, you are means of access way way too slowly to do anything regarding not having your length.

Condom slipped rotten, but he hadn't ejaculate all the same...morning after pill prescription for a 15 year old-fashioned?

well you could ask your parents to take you to the doctors or speak to the nurse?

Tubal Ligation.. everything I read is denial more or less have this done.?

umm, ahhh,, uhhhh, let's see, umm, well, I got nuthin


When will I acquire my time of year? Girls merely please!?
I catch pains contained by my lower belly?
Hmmm I don't know what to speak to this.?
  • What? when? why?how? time.?
  • Is it wrong to use pmsing as an excuse to go and get cracked?

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