Will I start my period soon?

I'm 14.
I'm starting to feel like a bit of a freak.
I've get quite alot of pubic hair.
My boobs own started to grow quite alot recently.
My hips are getting bigger.
I've not have a period.

Should I be getting one soon?


No one can say exactly when a girl will obtain her first menstrual period, but usually girls will get it some time during puberty.

Some girls start puberty at age 9 or 10 where on earth others may start as late as age 15 or 16. Each girl goes at her own gait. So don't think that it's a bad point or that something is wrong if your friends start puberty a little earlier/later than you.

At the beginning of puberty, you'll distinguish that your breasts are developing and you're starting to grow a little hair lower than your arms. Hair also will grow on your genitals (pubic hair). In some girls, the time from the beginning of puberty to getting the first menstrual period may lug only 6 months, where as for other girls, it may appropriate longer and can take up to 3 years.

Every girl is different, and there is a all-embracing range of normal nouns during puberty.

All I can say is that you should be patient, it will evolve when your body is ready.

I got my extent when I was 13 (I’m 26 now).

Good luck :)

Please comfort! :S?

There is a huge range for the start of the menarche (the posh word for starting periods.) There is also a variation depending on which country you come from, it is also artificial by diet. A recent UK range is given as 9-17 years. An age range of 8 to 16 years is found surrounded by the States, In China the mean age at menarche decreased by 2·8 years, from 16·5 to 13·7, over an approximate 40-year time interval. Menarche birth delay is produced by increased physical activity, reduced box viewing and changes in BMI and tubby distribution!


Your periods may not start until you're 16 or 17, it can be as late as that. Don't verbs too much, I know when you're younger you just want to start them, but as soon as you do it'll be nothing but annoying and prickly and messy (at least until you get used to them).

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you should draw from it soon... and girls get them at different times... unlike what pepper said if it does not come by 16, then see a doc NO MATTER WHAT, as it could be a hormone problem... my gf didn't capture her's till she was 16, and they found out it was because of hypothyroidism... i wouldn't verbs, and count your blessings that it hasn't started it, as i have heard it is a pia.. email me if you want or obligation more info.. cheers!

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It's o.k. I'm 13 and started my period when I was 12 but really own small boobs .I've read that some people might get one point before the next. you a moment ago happen to devolope first .I'm pretty sure that you'll get your interval soon.

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Sounds like you're just entering puberty in a minute. It may still take a while for your period to come, but don't verbs or feel weird something like it. Every girl is different. It will come when your body id ready for it.

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I know my friend that devolped completly and didn't hold her period for another year. So possibly, sounds like it. Once your hips start to achieve big, ya know it's coming!

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Yeah, it starts at different times for everyone.
I have a friend who didn't start hers until she was 17 so don't verbs.
Be glad you haven't got it yet because it is a aching!

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you should be getting one soon. but if you don't by, at the latest, 17, i would talk to your mom and see if she requests you to go to the doctor or wait and see. Good Luck!

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Yes it is going to come exceptionally very very soon, you enjoy all the signs it will be coming soon within i would reckon about 3 weeks


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Once u get discharge afterwards a few months after that u will get it!! i dont really no wat it looks like do i havent started either but it will b in ur panties and look rather weird!!

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Yes don't worry it won't be long. Then you will probably start wish that they had not started.


It starts at different times for different women. Thats all i can say-so.

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