hi so as some of you may have read, my friend was just now diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, she was taken contained by for her second surgery this morning at 6 and suppost to be getting out around noon. I was in recent times wondering if anyone knows anyone who has ovarian cancer that can donate me some insides of what is going on and how long it will take for her to recover. she is single 17.
Thanks so much!

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Basically, they are removing her ovaries, fallopian tubes and her uterus. A complete hystectomy, or so I'd assume.

After she finishes her surgery, she'll have several weeks (maybe 6 or so) of recovery, which can be frustrating and mortified. The good news for her is that she is young at heart and that will speed her healing process.

I would also suspect that she may undergo a length of radiation treatments in an effort to insure that they've gotten "all" of the cancer. These can be tiring and annoying, and I'm sure she'll call for and want the love and support of her friends.

Please let me know how it all works out for her. 17 is mighty youthful to be dealing with ovarian cancer.

John Jones, M.D.

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My sister in canon had Ovarian Cancer at about matching age, usually when they catch it early relations make full recoveries. They did remove one of her ovaries and said she probably would not enjoy children, that was 10 years ago and 2 children ago. Just be there for her and I hope adjectives works out for her!

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