Lumpy discharge?
Answers: A yeast infection is white and looks approaching cottage cheese. It also makes "down there" thoroughly itchy. So, if it's not like that later you probably don't have a yeast infection.
It could be, are you sore and itchy, is it a white colour?
You requirement to get treatment for thrush/yeast infection see the association
If its clear it may be because your ovulating.
eeeeewwwww! shower1 please maybe. if you are worried or it smells and looks odd then relate your mum or go to a doctor. Normal discharge should be clear, white, non smelling and stretchy. That's what i seize before my period.
Hope i helped :)
are you itchy down in that?if so then you might own a yeast infection but why would it happen every month up to that time your period?