Why is my girlfriend is spotting unnatural stuff??
Answers: She is most likely about to start her interval. If she is irregular there is most likely elder blood in her uterus, because she hasn't shed a lining only just. When blood ages it goes from red, to brown, to blackish. The stuff she saw with it is probably clotting, which also happen as blood ages.
More likely than not she will get her spell soon. If she doesn't and the spotting continues she should see a doctor, just to be sure that it isn't something serious..
Brown blood is normal formerly or after her period. It just method its getting ready to start or just finish and flushing everything out left from her period. She also might be lately having a really light length, happens from time to time. No big deal, its typical. I'd say she would be just getting in position to have her period cuz some inhabitants do get hungrier around that time of the month. If she can't possibly be pregnant then thats whats going on. It sounds resembling she is vry irregular. Brown blood means old blood so she's probably in the order of to start. You say she has stomach cramps? Thats a perfect sign its on its way. Now if she starts to have a dull tender pain in her backbone or sharp pains in her back sporadically after she may be miscarrying.
its probably just old blood from her irregular period. somthing kind like that used to develop to me 2. if u think its an infection then u should ignite her to go c her doctor or something. just to b undamaging for the both of u it sounds like its not a girlfriend, its really you just proverb its a girlfriend. It just seemed that style and i wanted to point that out. hopefully im wrong..
since it is brown that means out-of-date blood it could possibly be implantation bleeding but she should go get checked she could also be getting equipped to start and the brown blood is left over from her last one. uh for a while thing called a extent possibly.
i agree with him but i would see a doctor just within case
Its just weak blood its fine.