Endocrinologist Question?
Answers: NO endo is a "hormone" doctor.Although results of his tests are what gyno needs(because hormones effect almost everything in our body) it doesn't niggardly he needs to look "there". I've been going to one for years and years so I know.He will demand blood work to check your hormone levels that are important contained by fertility treatments(thyroid, your estrogen and progesteron etc).Good luck.
They might, but not for the normal tests you grasp done at the gyno, I was seeing a reproductive endocrinologist when I was trying to find pregnant and for a few months after, I had to go within for a dye test which he was at hand for and helping with and he did 2 trans-vaginal ultrasounds after I got pregnant. i go to one and he didnt though he did do a ultrasound to look at everything cause i had cysts contained by the past and i have have three surgerys for the endo.