What can I do to backing my grandmother?

She had a mild fall nearly a week ago. Thought everything be fine, only a few bruises. However today she has have pain in the colo-rectal nouns as well as a feeling of other needing to go. A nurse suggested it may be a fractured coccyx. She does most predictable have hemroid as she has have limited mobility for nearly 5 years now. How can I security her discomfort or read up on what her condition is likely to be?

Answers:    Did she have X-rays taken after her dribble?

If she is pain while turning and getting out of bed, I'd suggest getting some X-Rays of her hip and pelvic area.

Older general public seem to have closely of bowel issues. Is she having a BM? Are they hard, soft, diarrhea? If not, I'd suggest a laxative...though, you don't want to bring back 'hooked' on having to use laxatives all the time first.

If that doesn't seem to help her belly dull pain after a good BM, then I would hold her be seen a Doc.

Make sure she is getting turned every 2 hours, to prevent bedsores, and to get up out of bed to the stool if possible. She should have Physical Therapy working near her, if possible.

Make sure she doesn't have any skin breakdown surrounded by her buttocks area. This is a prime area for skin breakdown and bedsores. Take a sneak a look down there, I know, kinda yucky, but that's the only instrument to tell if there's any skin breakdown or bedsores...and if there is, she wants to be treated for those, and activate a plan to turn her every 2 hours, good peri hygiene, and applying a moisture boundary marker cream, like Sensicare.

Good Luck!.
Sweety, it sounds like she requests to get to a doctor. Our bones and such are not the best when we get elder and it takes very little to break something.

If you want to serve her, get her into the doctor and let him describe you what needs to be done! In the meantime, I will pray for her and for you. I pray she is not hurt internally and that you can bring much joy, love and support for her as she walk through this.

May God touch you both and guide you with His loving Hands!.
I would talk to her give or take a few your concerns and urge her to see a doc. Good luck! i would get one of those dounut pillows for her to sit on top of when she is sitting down.....
speech 2 her

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