Why is my ankle person a brat?
For the past 4 or 5 nights my right ankle have been keeping me up for hours. It's also impossible for me to stay asleep, it's like I'm never tired. Back to my ankle, it tingles class of like it's asleep only it's not. It's only just a really uncomfortable feeling and it help a little if I move it. It's kind of an anxious sentiment, only it's in my ankle lol. There's no misery but it's so annoying! It's doing it right now and I don't know if this will ever stop! Has anyone else had this style of thing happen to them?
I pretty much quit smoking 4 days ago, and I'm 17 weeks pregnant. Could any of these things have something to do with my ankle? Could any be the cause for me not sleeping at night? Both of these started stirring when I cut back on the cigarettes.
Answers: you may have rls, restless leg syndrome, check it up online and look at the symptoms..
your pregnancy explains it.
You should be in motion to the doctor.
your pregnat. that is a symptom.
I'm gonna bet your feet are swollen and the shoes are in a minute too tight. Am I right?
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Am i overweightt? facilitate pleaseeee.?
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