Why is it that most women don’t resembling men to reply to question roughly speaking? MENSTRUAL CYCLE (periods)?
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Well Steven you are probably an exception to the rule. I dare say you know as much as any woman, except what the tummy ache and tension headaches if truth be told feel like.I commend you. Not copious men understand really just what it adjectives entails. How could they understand. Some men are interested contained by know how their girlfriend or wife feels, on the other hand I feel more of them just put their head within the sand, it frightens them, they tend to turn a blind eye. Some even find the thought of it repulsive. They suffer from ignorance.
Good Luck to you, I think you understand.
Hi, Well I suppose it have nothing to do with humiliation,and more to do with the fact that men don't seize periods,so therefore why would they be interested surrounded by answering questions about them. I chew over most questions asked are about experience near symptoms to do with periods,so accordingly a man would know nothing about this anyway,hence them not answering the question on periods.
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To be honest I feel comfier conversation to men about my periods etc than I do females but I focus that's because I was brought up with a manly doctor and since I started having a few problems down below the doctor I see in the hospital is manly also.For some people, I suppose, it's embarassing for men to know what's going on with them.
I wouldn't really hold a problem with that, but I'm guessing its probably cuz you dont actually experience it yourself so we reflect on you cant relate to it. It'd be kinda like us tryna tell you that we twig what it feels like to be kicked within the ****
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lol fair play to you! I have a 16 year elderly son, was on my own for most of his life so far, again relations think I can't answer about puberty within boys - how do they think my son found out lol Also I used to teach sex ed to teenagers!!xx
Probably duplicate reason men don't like women answering question about football!
Apparantly the other knows zilch about it, not true tho as I guess you already realise lol
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no, if a man answers my feminine questions, i'll find it sweet, but most women prefer other women to answer their Qs because of the personal experience :)It doesn't bother me any way, if women dont like men answering the Q's Then don't post, it's as simple as that! lol
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