Should i enjoy a hysterectomy in recent times create i hold horrible period?

I had a tubal about six years ago and presently I have horrible periods. It's not easy to go anywhere because I clot so bad that sometimes even the overnight pad that I wear don't hold it. My options are to have laser surgery to be precise 1 out of 3 that it will work, a hysterectomy that will absolutely work, or don't do anything at all and matter with this for at least 15 or more years. Hysterectomy seem kind of drastic, but I want something that will work. I don't want to have to settle up for two procedures.

Pregnancy/ birth control pill?

I would go with the procedure beside the best chances of success within your case, which is the hysterectomy. I agree it does sound drastic, but realistically do you want to spend 4-7 days a month for the subsequent 15+ years as a prisoner of your uterus? That's what you would be if your periods keep you from departing the house. Go for it, take care of yourself. It is the right choice within you case

Regarding Depo shot.?

I went through this too a while ago and I in actual fact agree with the guys who answered this question already. I have an implant put in my arm (not an IUD exactly) that last 3 years. It is called Implanon but the one that lasts 5 years that be mentioned above sounds like a mirena. These are both birth control options but are also used to control problems close to yours... you should really think about seeing your doctor more or less this before considering something as permanent as a hysterectomy.

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a hysterectomy is without doubt the best way to get rid of it, because even short the pain (which i have bad) afterwards it's still a horrible messy experience, but if you have all yr bits out consequently you can never have children? If you don't have any after you would probably regret and, and if even if you do, what if you want another later on?

Pads or Tampons?

I'm not sure if you are interested in birth control as all right, but my wife had an IUD put in (which is an implant) after she have our first child and she hasn't had a period since. (plus it is 99.9% successful birth control). She has a 5-year IUD, but if we decide we want another child, it can be removed.

The procedure doesn't run long and it is an outpatient procedure. Ask your doctor about that option as okay. (there are also 10-year IUDs.

This is a term grill (woman only)unless the masculine know around period! lol?

I have period that ending 8-11 days i have seen the doctor and she told me it is newly my pattern.

My friend got a hysterectomy because of her period but Had no children now she regrets it don't make like peas in a pod mistake

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No, take Pregnenolone 20 mg per day first.

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