Why haven't i have my spell ?

but instead saying if i'm pregnant give me another source.

Answers:    Stress
Stress can affect many things in our lives, including our period. Sometimes we're so stressed out that our body produces hormones that halt our bleeding. Working with your doctor or midwife can help you numeral out what you need to do to relax and get vertebrae on schedule.

A sudden, short illness or even a longer bad health can cause your periods to be delayed. This is usually pro tem.

Change in Schedules
Changing schedules can really throw bad your body clock. This is particularly true if you go from days to night at work or vice versa.

Change in Medications
Perhaps you're trying a new medication and a delayed or left period is the cause. Be sure to have a word to your doctor or midwife about this side effect. It is very adjectives with some methods of birth control.

Being Overweight
Carrying around too much weight can hormonally shift your cycles and even stop them. Most women will see a return to common cycles and fertility with the loss of some weight.

Being Underweight
If you do not own enough body fat you will not enjoy regular periods, sometimes you can eve cause your period to stop all together. This is called amenorrhea. Typically a weightiness gain will help you have your period return. This is a frequent cause of a missed period within women who work out to an extreme or are professional athletes.

The menstrual cycle varies from woman to woman. While we say that the average menstrual cycle is 28 days long, specifically not true for everyone. Sometimes our period is believed to be late when surrounded by all actuality we have simply miss calculated. If you hold irregular menstrual cycles, but know when you ovulate, look for your period about two weeks after you ovulate. That may support you keep an easier track of your periods.

Peri-menopause is the interval of time where you are transitioning from reproductive age to a non-reproductive age. Your periods may be lighter, heavier, more frequent or smaller number frequent - but mostly just not normal. If you do not aspiration to get pregnant, be sure to continue to use birth control because you are predictable to still be fertile at least some of the time.

Menopause is when you have reach the point in your life where on earth you will no longer ovulate or menstruate. Menopause can be a natural life event or may come up surgically through hysterectomy or through chemical such as chemotherapies.
well if you have solitary had your period for a couple of years you could simply be irregular or there could be something more but maybe you should travel see a gynecologist if your on your fifth year of getting your period because for the first couple of years you can be irregular hoped this helped

Don't verbs gurl, you're just like me. I verbs alot when my period doesn't come on time too! But your extent could be delayed from worrying, stressing, or changes in your diet. Just relax and try and estimate about anything else but your period and trust me it will come contained by no time! Because you're stressed or have some other overwhelming emotion.
It depends on your age. If you in recent times started, it shouldn't be a big deal at all.
But if you're a few years surrounded by and wayyy late, you should get that checked by a doctor. .
Stress, correct on mood, illness, starting a new medication, physical flurry, change in diet or horizontal of food intake. well i don't know if you're really athletic but if u run a lot u won't carry ur period as much...during basketball season, i didn't get mine at adjectives.

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