Why does anyone a feminine acquire adjectives the crappy stuff close to menstruation?

And men get kids but we have to work our butts stale all our life next to periods and labour and menopause and adjectives they have to do is have sex and they gain a child

Everything smeels potent and make me nausea..whats wrong?

Cause men are whimps and God knew they wouldnt be able to fiddle with it

Is it Normal to be 13 and not hold your length.?

A likely reason might be that adjectives human beings are female in the origin, biologically, and males are actually just a special modification of females that develop in the womb. Women are responsible for almost all of the procreation, and the one and only role of the male is to provide diversity by enabling cross-fertilization. This same cut-out exists among a great many animals, where the womanly is by far the dominant sex, with the male one and only providing the genetic diversity. In higher animals, the sexes are much more equal, but genetically the male still tend to be just a special version of the feminine.

Assuming this theory is valid, it explains why women handle almost adjectives of reproduction. The men are just there to provide fertilization. The actual picture is probably more complex, though (and we can just speculate on it), since men are bigger than women as well, which implies that they might own or have had some sort of protective or chore-performing role.

The undeniable reality is that women have extremely complex reproductive systems, and so they are more of a burden to them and more prone to problems. That's just the agency our species is designed, so there's not much that anyone can do about it.

Is this true just about orgasms?!! :S?

I'm not sure about adjectives this. But it's just natural. I don't really believe this, but if you are Christian and you read the bible, you should know roughly speaking the first story. The adam's apple. Eve ate the apple even though god told her not to. And she ate it so she got punished and now every woman have menstruation and stuff and sex. Lol. Men have the hump on their throats cuz he ate the apple, that's why it's called adam's apple. But these things i know are sometimes fanciful. But it is a theory. So you should try to respect other people's thoughts, even though i think it's kinda wierd. Well, i myself is with the sole purpose 10 (fourth grade) So i still don't know much about menstruation and stuff, and sex. But i do know quite alot. Menstruation from my inherited and sex from my friends. Well hope this helps you solve your question a bit... i'm sorry it's relatively dumb. I'm not Christian though.

Why does my cli--- become aroused during my extent?

Men got their share of crappy stuff too.
Like a penny between the legs and he will crawl around for hours trying to breath. Or how about erection on the bus. Or premature ejaculation. Or nightly unwanted ejaculation.
And naggy gf's that have their period.
Anyway.. Females dont have the lone crappy stuff in the world.

I obligation to know everything around period?

I happen to love that time of the month! I know(are you crazyjess?) but realy,I do because its able-bodied and I`m proud to be a female and its just(well,I`m 13 and have have it for two yrs now and I feel a lil worried and tolerate down if I miss one! it is annoying but I just love it! it also assues me that I can have kids! economically,pretty mutch..so learn to love it and it might not bother you so mutch! ;)

I am have breast markdown my medical is paying my size is 38ddd what size is the best size to be?

When God created man and woman (Adam and Eve) he told them they can eat anything they want surrounded by the Garden of Eden except fruit from the forbidden tree.. It was Eve (the woman) who disobeyed God and ate the fruit and also talked Adam (the man) into ingestion it aswell. As a result God is purnishing woman because of what Eve did.. Thats the perfect explanation

Bootcamp and my menstruel cycle sound out?

well, for any mammal, reptile, etc. it take 2 to reproduce. Give a name to each, zilch changes.

You should be proud of who and what you are. If you go through existence bitching about being womanly, you have a long, sorry life within front of you.

Do abortions hurt?

God did this to women. Read the bible. Eve cased Adam to sin by convincing him to take the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge. They be kicked out of the garden and women for all time would be cursed as you describe.

How long... girls singular plaese?

Eve is the one that tempted Adam beside the apple from the tree of forbidden fruit.
Hence women are punished for it.

Vomiting and birth control give a hand!?

I know!! it's annoying! well, i wonder how it feels to attain kicked in the balls. ;) anyways, you ARE right.

All right ladies I have need of some biddable masturbation tips?

Because we are tough satisfactory to bear with them! Men in recent times cant!

HPV Questions?

because GOD knows that us WOMEN are much more stronger then MEN!! yeeehaaaa!! men wouldnt pedal the pain so get it girl! be cheery! know that we are STONGER!!

Periods? 6 months of irregular cycles after birthcontrol?

Eve ate the forbidden fruit first

What are the symptoms of a time of year?? I haven't gotten mine on the other hand...?

I know it sucks! we work our buts of all the time and get adjectives the crappy things But I would rather be a girl it seems funner compared to what boys do (my brother) sitting around adjectives day playing X-BOX

Help me please I'm really alarmed!?

I kno, it sucks! But I would rather be a woman than a man :)

Why do men move up and down after entering the vagina?

Im 8" long and 5 1/4"?
After pregnancy anyway to net your vagina close up/ tighten up faster?
If within the morning i weigh 125 but at hours of darkness i weigh 130 is this unpromising?
  • Signs of sex?

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