Help me please I'm really startled!?

Yesterday I went to my gynecologist because I have to draw from an annual pap smear every year since I was 14, I had a interval at the beginning of the month because I start every first week of the month it could be on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday or maybe even a Sunday. Well presently it is almost the end of April and now I am on it again. When I go to my gyno, the day before she said that I am full-bodied and that there's nothing wrong with me and that my reproductive vigour is in tip top shape. Then I got my interval and the cramps intensified. I don't know I'm really scared right now because she said nothings wrong and I believe it is because I only thought they come once a month. What's the problem with me? BTW I'm just 16 could this have something to do with it?

Hi am have abad smell when ever its too hot and when ever am have sex and i receive acream discharge other?

girl if your doc told you you be ok then you shouldnt have zilch to worry bout. i had a friend that have all month but seperated days. but if you feel approaching something is really wrong wit you should go talk to some other doctors.

Kissing? First Boyfriend?

You are probably getting your interval because she has been messing just about 'down there' and that may have irritated your cervix and caused your uterine wall to shed rash. Don't worry its perfectly common. :-) there is lots of information on the web for girls close to you who are a bit scared of what you don't know about.

Shaving or trimming?

You are probably getting your term because she has been messing more or less 'down there' and that may have irritated your cervix and caused your uterine wall to shed untimely. Don't worry its perfectly everyday. :-) there is lots of information on the web for girls similar to you who are a bit scared of what you don't know about.

When ure taking the pill, when do u grasp your extent?

sometimes your cycle adjust itself, it can go longer or shorter than average, and will usually reset from this time to be about a month untill the subsequent time. especially when you are young. if you are reallly worried, call you doctor's department an ask a nurse about it. they can ask the doctor if need be. i wouldn't verbs if i were you.

Bleeding between period?

i am no women.
But being 16 have everything to do with it. you are not old plenty to have experience to talk nearly you regularity now because it is going to be changing till you are surrounded by your 30's .Ask you aunts mom or your Dr. they will say basically indistinguishable thing.

Someone i know really okay have to win a urine oral exam done but have sex near her husband the dark until that time?

Yes your fine, it's called spotting. Your gyno checked you out & said everything be okay. Don't worry unless your bleeding extra heavy or contained by a lot of pain.


ifu enjoy cramps it is normal

When are the most fertile days for women so as to avoid sex surrounded by those days.?

your cycle is probably just varying which happens to everyone. your cycle will never continue to walk on a routine. for some people their cycle cahnges when the season changes. Also since your getting elder your cramps will start to hurt more and more. for bad cramps you should try taking a hot bath, a pill, try putting a heat pad against your stomach. Try being helpful because that helps with cramps close to doing excerise or going for walks. Also drink more liquid approaching water, ginger ale, and/or cranberry juice. You own nothing to worry give or take a few just your body maturing as you get elder

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