Why do i surface fruitless? and guilty?

Whenever I masturbate, I feel kinda guilty afterwards, and I'm afraid something bad would come to pass because of me masturbating..

i do have sex and everything with my boyfriend but when we don't i do it at home..

but the subsequent day i feel so guilty and impossible...
i feel like i am going to hold a bad day the subsequent day and that everything is going to go wrong because.. of what i did that light of day like if God is gonna punish me..
has anyone feel this way?


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Sure, I understand and experienced matching thing. From a societal and humanistic perspective it is a completely "natural, conventional thing to do" etc. but if you have have an unbringing in a Judeo-Christian foundation you have be told (or it has been indicated) that it is sinful. Despite erudition this most of us have yielded to the invitation and subsequently feel guilty. I recognize as I articulate this that I will be attacked by many but I'm not trying to make anyone get the impression guilty< I'm just saying from a Christian perspective that it is held to be wrong. Wrong because usually within conjunction to doing it there are lustful thoughts and fantasies. So when we fantasize about lusty, carnal fantasies we are contained by spirit committing the real act. These fantasies "fuel" the fire and desensitize our conscience so that when the opportunity arises to do the "genuine thing" we have been "practicing for it surrounded by physical and spiritual terms". If a person can masturbate without accompanying fantasies it is probably a much smaller amount serious sin because it is just a physical release but the lustful fantasies and coveting is the subject matter of the commandment that states "you shall not covet" and you shall not commit adultery (which also includes fornication). But inhabitants are subject to weakness of the flesh and often concede to temptation and consider it a "lesser evil" to masturbate than to sin near another person. But this ignores the factor that if one is fantasize, they are practicing (physically/spiritually) for the "real thing." It's a concrete struggle to try to follow Christian principles when temptations are tugging at you and others in the world are saying, "It's ok... there's nil wrong with it" etc. It's human to yield to succumb to bribe but it's the small voice of conscience that chides us the next day because beneath it adjectives we know that it may be "natural/normal" but we also know that we've been taught that's it's not what we'd want to be doing if Christ happen to walk into our room at that very moment.

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Everyone have masturdated one time or another, it's human nature, don't feel unpromising, he might do it too every once in a while too.

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You're not alone. Don't worry.

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