Why am I pooping so much? (Seriously)?

I usually only poop about once a daytime and I have been going almost every time I jump to the bathroom (and I go a lot).
Maybe like 7 times. It's be like 2-3 days. Yesterday my stomach hurt really bad for rather while and I had gas...
I don't know why this is. I didn't change my diet or anything.

Answers:    If you are motto there haven't been any rework in your diet, than I think conceivably you are experiencing an acute gastroenteritis episode, is there changes surrounded by the consistency of your stool? The cause can be infectious, maybe you ate something that be contaminated, maybe it is viral, and it will go away surrounded by a couple of days. Drink lots of water, some gatorade, to compensate the liquid and the electrolytes you are losing. don't put away food that is rich in fiber, avoid red juice, no beans, fatty food.
If you feel fragile, dizzy, or have vomits, you should see a doctor to prevent complications.
Just a thought, but it could be your diet. You can develop something like lactose intolerance at any point within your life and it could make you poop abundantly (diarrhea) milk is in everything. Try tweaking your diet and really watching what you eat and see if in attendance seems to be one thing within particular that gets you. You may be unwittingly intake more. You may be eating things that cause gas which can exact you to "go to the bathroom" more, but maybe not greatly of quantity.

Fruit, fiber, beans... anything new?

It will progress away. If it bugs you take a gas ex, drink lots of water..
You probably ate something that your digestive system isn't love too much. You can wait a while to see if it stops or check out


It may be able to help out you. Enter your symptoms, and it can give you possible explanations..
It sounds like it could be some features of bacteria that gets into the food, similar to tomatoes, the hot peppers and now the meat. I feel your body is trying to get rid of whatever it is. It could be a doomed to failure stomach flu. I would assume as long as its solid, not (diarrhea) then you should be fine.
Sounds like youza fine babeh.
Drink water.

If it continues, and you feel humiliated, go see your primary care physician..
Maybe own you been eating abundantly of fiber? It can also depend on where u live.Cause if u live where its hot,after maybe u stood in sun for too long,and u parched.That i learned from expereince..
They say an stirring system encourages active bowels, hold you been exercising more recently? it be something you ate had a bacteria entity going on .if you are not hurting and passing through is ok but remember to drink alot of water.
Maybe it is your diet. You are consumption too much. if you're pooping EVERY time you go to the bathroom, call your doctor!!.
could be to many cheeseburgers sounds lke I don`t know you picked up some sort of stomach virus.
you have diarrhea or you need to see a doctor cuz thats a moment ago not normal. it could be something your eating.
to much fiber?? i mull over ur sick, like ill i connote

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