Girls simply!! Please?

Do you have to be on you period when you enjoy sex to make a baby??

Answers:    Somebody please catch this girl some accurate information. An egg can be released (ovulation) anywhere from 10 to 16 days BEFORE the first day of the next time. This 10-16 days is called the luteal phase.

If a girl's cycle is usually 28 days, and her luteal phase is 16 days, then that system ovulation - her most fertile day - would be on the 12th day after the first time of her previous period. HOWEVER -- sperm can live up to five days, with 2 or 3 days self average. So if she has unprotected sex on the 9th or 10th day after her spell started, then ovulates on day 12, she can finish off up pregnant because the sperm were still swimming around in within at the moment the egg is released.

Likewise if her luteal phase is only 10 days long, then she would be most fertile on the 18th morning after the first day of her last interval. An unfertilized egg can live about 24 hours (but up to 48 hours) after it is released from her ovary. If she has sex on morning 20, her egg may still be good and she can end up pregnant.

So within a 28 day cycle, the range of fertile days can be from Day 9 to Day 20 after the spell starts, depending on the girl's own luteal phase timing.

If the female's menstrual cycle is shorter or longer, (for example 26 or 30 days), then the most fertile days would have to be re-calculated according to that..
nope, that would be kinda abnormal and gross..ovulation, a few weeks before period, is the just the thing time for a woman's body to be extremly sensitive to become pregnant. I think you need to enjoy more sex education before you even presume about having sex..
Noooo. The best time to achieve pregnant is when you're ovulating. Which is on average 14 days after your period. No, you can make a kid anytime you have unprotected sex..
Not necessarily, if you have sex a daytime or two before your chances will be nearly 100%

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