What's wrong beside me?!?!?!?

For a week now I have be having this problem.After,I go to the bathroom,I still grain like I have to stir more.I know I don't have to go anymore.I lately get a feeling that I enjoy to go.I can go to the bathroom.so,I am not constipated.I tried Milk of magnesia that worked.After I go though,I got the feeling again.What is this?Do you come up with it's my period.Also,I take Cingulair and Alegra and Alegra D.Could that own anything to do with it.(AlegraD in the morning.alegra at night)Please back!!

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Your feeling of having to turn back to the bathroom again, is probably caused by a spastic colon. I don't know why you are taking adjectives of the meds that you are, but I would start by stop taking them, and go with something pure. Grape juice is fantastic for killing cold virus, flu bugs and diahrea bugs. It has more vitamin C than orange liquid, and is easlier on the digestive system and your teeth. And the really great thing about grape liquid, is that it can not be over done, and is safe for any age. It also works great on getting rid of that bloated, gasey feeling. I haven't be sick with colds or flu since I started drinking grape juice around three years ago. And I was always sick beside colds, flu, and bronchitus before that.

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it depends. it COULD be your period, because i know when i own my period i go to the bathroom profusely more.

does it sting when you pee? because then its def. a urinary tract infection. if so, check with your doctor; they'll assign you tablets and it'll be over soon enough.

diabetes might be another possibility? excessive peeing is one of the first sign of type 1 diabetes. if this persists, run to your doctor and get a urine test done.

another entity... is there anyway you could be pregnant? sometimes, being pregnant can take home you go to the bathroom a lot, but that's individual after a while after you had sex... like psyche say a good few weeks/month into your pregnancy.

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How infirm are you? You might need to tell your doctor. Sometimes this can be serious but it might only just be hemmoroids. If you are young the chances of it person serious are slim but if you are older you may need a colonoscopy.

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It could be several problems like a bladder infection or something i say dawdle a day or so * any problems i have usually resolve within a day* and if it doesn't stop see a docter because it could be serious

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I know it's lame but... ditto zeorexe4 whatever it is. talk to a doc. So sorry... Hope i relief! :)

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it could be a bladder infection but this can also happen when you are dehydrated

I started my time of year today , and I HATE pad !?

sounds close to a urinary tract infection

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Using a tampon?
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