What the poo is it!should I be worried?

ok, I shave my vagina every now and then..and ive have this lump on it for about two weeks and i was only just wondering what it was,the first week i got it,it kinda itched but in a minute it doesnt,and it has puss that comed out of it (sometimes) its kinda on the front of of my vagina..anywho i didnt know if it was from me shaving ,approaching an ingrown hair or somthin,or i didnt know if i had vagina cancer if nearby was even somthing like that lol...welli dont know what it is and would apreciate it if you help me out.
oh and its SMALLER than a pea..

*Female Question* Best answer 10pts :D?

U just got a hypersensitivity to your blade...and its prolly an ingrown hair. Not to worry, lately put a hot wet towel on it for a couple of days and extract out the puss...it'll go away on its own.

Please relief... vaginal cramp! Important...?

First of adjectives, PLEASE use the proper terminology so people will know what you're discussing.

Your VAGINA is the pathway through which you menstruate and give birth. You should NOT be shaving your vagina, and if you do, you have far worse problems than this.

Your LABIA are your "lips" sizeable and small (outer and inner).

Your MONS is the fleshy mound where your pubic hair grows and at the front of your body, between where on earth your legs meet.

Chances are it's just a boil or an ingrown fleece, but you should probably see a doctor before the infection gets any worse.

Plan B Users?

Sounds resembling a little ingrown hair or a cyst. You might want to see your doctor to enjoy it drained, and get some antibiotic cream.

Headaches n sex?

probably just an infected mane follicle...doubtful it is "vagina cancer".that is ridiculous by the way! if you consider it might be an STD you need to see a doctor.

I cant find a deodorant that works?! HELP!?

girls have ducts on their maw that secrete a fluid to keep your maw moist, and sometimes they get clogged. take a hot tub and rub it

The contraceptive undertaking of birth control pills start after how lots days of using it.?

brutally honest has all your answers i agree beside her .

Has this happen to anyone?

could be a small cyst

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What could this be ?
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Previous miscarriage beside no Rhogam. HELP!! Will this affect my current pregnancy?
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