What is the best means of access to acquire rid of a cyst ?
A cyst is a closed sac having a distinct membrane and developing curiously in a cavity or structure of the body. Cysts may occur as a result of a developmental error contained by the embryo during pregnancy or they may be caused by infections. However, sometimes they arise spontaneously with no adjectives cause. Cysts are often insecure as they may have negative effects (for instance, compression) on the close by tissue. They may contain air, fluids, or semi-solid material. You should see a doctor as soon as possible..
Sometimes the fluid contained in a cyst can be drained, or aspirated, by inserting a needle or catheter into the cyst cavity, resulting in collapse of the cyst. Talk to your doctor .. Good luck
Going to a dermatologist will be the best course to go. Please go to a dermatologist and he will remove it without risk and hopefully it won't come back. I will tell you from my experience, don't try popping it. Unless you call round a dermatologist, unfortunately you will have to consent to time heal it.